Hey, look, it’s the first post of the year! I’ve been putting off updating the site until I’d upgraded the WordPress software, which was so horribly out of date that some of my plugins had stopped working right. So last night I decided to hang out at work a little longer and upgrade to the...
Tag: Work
Dear Coworker-
Hey how’s it goin? Listen, I know I come off as a bit of an arrogant asshole sometimes and, yes, I realize it’s rude to not even bother learning your name, but still there are some things we need to talk about so I’d appreciate it if you’d just listen to what I have to...
On Buying A Home
You know, people have been buying and selling homes in this country since day one, which would make you think there wouldn’t be so many surprises for first-time buyers. I’ve learned two things in the last couple months. One of those things I can’t really do anything about and having advanced knowledge of the other...
I’ve Found A New Career…
…Self Help Author.
We Come And We Go
I’ve been thinking a lot lately on the way in which we walk in and out of each others lives. Specifically, I’ve been dwelling on the “walking out” part. The “walking in” part is interesting and all but it doesn’t seem to have as much variation as the other, which makes it a little less...