Tim Hatch: Educator. Author. Tired.


Day One (Again)

It was a stupid move. Walking barefoot in July is a bad idea and when you have Type 2 diabetes, it’s a terrible one. And I knew better. And I’m done beating myself up over it. Mostly. It’s hard not to feel like a stupid dick when your wife has to change your dressing once...

(Less) Anxiety At 34,000 Feet

So, Annette and I just barely got out of Cancun before Hurricane Beryl fucked things up for a lot of people. Here’s a story of escape in two pictures: Literally, I’ve never seen anything as impressive as a flight crew trying to get a plane off the ground before a hurricane hits. As they were...

Hurricane Anxiety!

Well. Following up from yesterday’s anxietygasm, it turns out there was actually a worse worst case scenario: Obviously that one’s beyond my control, so I’m able to resist beating myself up about it (obviously I could, but I’m better today). By the way, apparently hurricane season in Cancun is from June to November (#TheMoreYouKnow). If...

Death, Life, and Anxiety

Something something something, clearing my throat (maybe I’ll rewrite this). DEATH A couple years ago I wrote this, and since then I’ve more or less been a hermit. It’s been a terrible few years. Two days after I wrote that, my dad died, which was mostly a relief, but still horrible. This is part of...

Turkey Pot Pie (No Crust)

As the autumn air crisps and the leaves turn to hues of gold and red, I think back to my childhood, when my grandfather would take me to the fishin’ hole and we’d laugh and bond over our special time together and whether we caught anything or not, it was always a good time because...

Satanic Swamp Ass

I’m sick, and I should either be in bed or writing an essay for my doctoral program, but I’ve just been through a mile of ICK and I’m sharing it with you. And of course, it all starts with Cooper, seen below looking guilty of something or other. We’ll get to that. So Coop is...