Weekly Check In – 10/6/2021

One hundred and sixteen weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about: Weight: 241 Down 1.4, which is great except that I haven’t written one of these in almost three weeks (it’s currently Monday, 10/11) and I gained 1.1 pounds the week before. I meant to write a post, but then...

Weekly Check In – 9/22/2021

One hundred and fourteen weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about: Weight: 241 Down 0.4, which again, is small, but movement in the right direction, which I’m grateful for. I’ve been tracking my calories more days than not, and I’ve been doing my best to get as much water as...

Weekly Check In – 9/15/2021

One hundred and thirteen weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about: Weight: 241 Down half a pound, which is small-but-welcome news. I’m not gonna talk about weight today though. Instead, I’m gonna talk about Julie Paegle, who was a former professor of mine, and one of my favorite people, and...

Weekly Check In – 9/8/2021

One hundred and twelve weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about: Weight: 242 No change in weight, which is nice I suppose. At least I can maintain, but I really wanna start losing again. I’m tracking calories (most days) and tracking water (most days), but I might need to up...

Weekly Check In – 8/25/2021

One hundred and ten weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about: Weight: 242 Up 0.2 pounds, but honestly that’s fine. I don’t like the slow, upward creeping direction of the weight, but the build up to this new semester has been hectic. Last week I didn’t even post an update,...

Weekly Check In – 8/11/2021

One hundred and eight weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about: Weight: 242 Up a pound, or close enough to say so. It’s still been a good week. Prior to losing the weight, I was unable to purchase dress shirts or suits off the rack, so I had to have...