Weekly Check In – 8/4/2021

One hundred and seven weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about:

  • Weight: 241

No movement whatsoever, but for a week with a lot of sitting and grading, I’ll take it. I’m writing this on Sunday morning because I’m up against a grading deadline, which is also the reason this will be so short.

Three things I’m grateful for:

  • Friends. I got to have Korean BBQ with Phil yesterday. Got to talk with Joel for a few hours a few days earlier. I need my people.
  • Korean BBQ. Holy fuck.
  • Nieces. I’m seeing Julia for lunch in a few hours and I can’t wait.

I’m good this week. The state’s on fire and I’m really hoping that’s not a horrible omen for the next few elections, but whatever. I’m good.

Here, have a graphic: