Weekly Check In – 2/26/2020

Thirty two weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about:

  • Weight: 267
  • Blood Sugar: 105

Another two and a half pounds down. I’ll take it. The blood sugar is back up a bit. I ate a shit ton of fruit yesterday but I also had eight crackers. The troubleshooting part of my brain has decided to eat a shit ton of fruit next Tuesday, and no crackers, and see what happens.

I was in the gym this morning. It’s not quite a habit yet, but it’s slowly becoming a routine, which is good. I do a half hour on the recumbent bike and I try to hit level 10 (I have no idea how many levels there are) through most of it, but frequently fail to do so because I’ve spent half a century living as an Eloi. I also try to hit six miles on the bike because I did it once and I decided that was the benchmark. I frequently hit between 5.5 and 5.8. Today I hit level ten for a bit more than half of it, and by the end, it said this:

FUCK YOU RECUMBENT BIKE!!!! (#FuckYouRecumbentBike)

I’m happy. My head and heart are in a pretty great place, and my melted-candle body is starting to follow suit.

Here, have a graphic: