Root Canals & Oil Changes

I spent the last half of the nineties having a total breakdown.  For most of that time, I was unemployed and/or working odd jobs for shit pay.  Thanks to the good graces of the people in my life, I wasn’t homeless and I never went hungry.  During that entire time I spent what money I...

Yay Comics!

The other day a friend of mine sent me a couple links to entertainment news stories about a couple different movies in the works.  Apparently there are going to be movie adaptations of Jonah Hex and Y: The Last Man.  And I really don’t care. For those of you who don’t know, Jonah Hex is...

Sweet Addictions

This is something I didn’t want to write about until we’d reached the end.  Mostly because there have been moments so frustrating that I’ve wanted to pull my own head off and hose down the idiots causing the frustration with my neck blood.  And really, who needs to hear me wine about that shit? Close...

We Come And We Go

I’ve been thinking a lot lately on the way in which we walk in and out of each others lives.  Specifically, I’ve been dwelling on the “walking out” part.  The “walking in” part is interesting and all but it doesn’t seem to have as much variation as the other, which makes it a little less...