One hundred and one weeks out from surgery, and here are the numbers I care about:
- Weight: 240
And up a pound as the least interesting back and forth in history continues. This week was kind of rough. Didn’t go to the gym Monday or Tuesday because my knee was screaming for mercy. Not sure what that was about (hope it’s not the start of regular screaming…), but it’s better now. I’m also in the middle of a shit ton of prep for a class I’ve never taught before, so that’s fun. That’s actually been the major focus of the week. So much so, that I’m now writing this on Sunday night, which is the latest I’ve written a Wednesday update ever. New personal best! Seriously, I really need to get back in the habit of doing these things on Wednesday.
Three things I’m grateful for:
- My local literary community. Last night my friends John and Ann Brantingham hosted a multi-author book launch for all the books that’ve been released by local authors during the pandemic. So many of my favorite people were there, it was one of the best nights of the last several years.
- My stubborn persistence. Even missing two days at the gym, I still went the other three days of the week (we don’t go on weekends), and I’m so glad I did. I felt better after each session, and it seems to be the best way for me to consume political news. You can’t lose your shit when you’re working out. At least I can’t.
- My nieces. I got to hang out with my sister’s oldest the other day, which was the best, and I get to see her and her sister tomorrow night for dinner. I only get to see them a few times a year, and I look forward to it every time.
I’m good this week. And busy as hell, so I’ll keep this short.
Here, have a graphic: